Tuesday, November 10, 2015

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Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker-E Sukhoi

Su-35 Flanker-E is the most excellent operational combat aircraft that have been generated Russia. This aircraft is a derivative of the Su-27 in the wake of the Soviet period as well as Flanker variants with high-speed, super maneuver and payload large enough weapons. Combined advanced avionics suit premises, make Su-35 is an enemy who really are at risk for each fighter the US including the F-22 Raptor. As an air superiority fighter, the most important advantages of Su-35 is the combined strength of height and speed-which is very likely the fighter can terrorize dengagn missile arsenal in the form of long-distance air. Time dogfight, Su-35 will launch a missile of supersonic speed of approximately Mach 1, 5 at an altitude of approximately 000 feet over 45.. He also has three-dimensional thrust-vectoring which gives exceptional maneuverability, advanced avionics and the strength of strong jamming. China is so desperate to be able to have this aircraft because it can be a tool to balance the F-35 purchased Korea and Japan.

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